Digital Marketing Nuts & Bolts
Chris Lam's Digital Marketing Nuts & Bolts Training guides you through the fundamentals. This mini training focuses on three organic arms of the digital marketing framework: your website, email, and social media.
In this "new normal," your business presence online is more important than ever. How do customers find you? How will you make it easier to get them to make that sale with you? Where do you start? What should you focus on first?
In this mini training, we're covering the organic aspects of the digital marketing framework so that you're not spinning your wheels every day. We have a clear layout of what to tackle and why.
Overview of digital marketing framework
Website: your home online
Email: the power of a warm list
Social media: which platforms are right for you?
Content ideas
How it all connects and comes together
Before we begin...
Digital Marketing Nuts & Bolts
Congrats! Here's what's next... (Resources)
Before you go...